


At Founding Minds, we are always committed to staying at the forefront of technology and innovation. Recently, our Technical Lead, Sneha Pillai, and her team embarked on a transformative journey from traditional Dotnet application development to fully cloud-based application development using AWS. The transition was a resounding success, leveraging the power of AWS native cloud tools and services.


The way organizations handle their business processes has changed dramatically in recent years with the introduction of Robotic Process Automation, which performs repetitive and rule-based tasks with high efficiency and reduced errors. However, RPA can be integrated with other technologies for a better impact. Hyper automation refers to the integration of multiple automation technologies, including RPA, AI, process mining, and other tools, to automate end-to-end business processes. Here are several technologies that can be integrated with RPA for enhanced effectiveness:


The Tech world is undergoing constant changes, and at the heart of these changes lie the remarkable works of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML). Their impact on the rapidly evolving tech landscape is undeniable and unforgettable, as it drives innovations and advancements that were once unimaginable. These powerful technologies are shaping a future where possibilities are endless, making the fast-changing tech world a fascinating realm to explore.


Multi-tasking is seen as a must-have skill in today's fast-paced environment. In many cases, it has become a necessity rather than a choice. Increasingly though, it is being realized that human beings are incapable of true multitasking and even when we multitask, it is not productive.


Agile project management has been all the rage lately because it's super flexible and adaptable compared to old-school methods like Waterfall. The best part about Agile is how it puts customer satisfaction and value delivery front and center. Here at Founding Minds, we believe that Agile project management metrics are crucial - they help teams make sure they're actually delivering value to customers and stakeholders while achieving success.

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